British Grand Strategy in the Age of American Hegemony (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2024)
Academic (peer-reviewed) journal articles:
'Influencing the United States: is the game worth the candle for junior allies?', International Politics, 59:6 (2022)
'Global Britain's strategic problem East of Suez', European Journal of International Security, 6:2 (2021)
'Between a pandemic and a hard Brexit: grand strategic thinking in an age of nationalism, renewed geopolitical competition and human insecurity', RUSI Journal, 165:7 (2020)
'Grandiose strategy? Refining the study and practice of grand strategy', RUSI Journal, 165:3 (2020)
Book chapters:
'Grand strategy and the challenge of change' in The Oxford Handbook of Grand Strategy, edited by Ronald R. Krebs and Thierry Balzacq (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2021)
Policy papers:​
'Who are Britain’s most important allies and partners?', Council on Geostrategy (July 2024)
'Tailored, tokenistic, or too much? Assessing the Royal Navy’s presence in the Indo-Pacific', Hague Centre for Strategic Studies (February 2023)
Written evidence to the UK Parliament's Foreign Affairs Committee for its inquiry into HM Government's update to the Integrated Review, with Nick Kaderbhai and Oliver Yule-Smith (November 2022)
'The challenge of grand strategic implementation', report for the 'Forum on Future British Strategy', UK Cabinet Office & Centre for Grand Strategy, King’s College London (November 2020)
Written evidence to the UK Parliament's Foreign Affairs Committee for its inquiry into HM Government's Integrated Review (June 2020). The evidence was cited in the committee's report, 'A brave new Britain? The future of the UK’s international policy' (October 2020)
Written evidence to the UK Parliament's Foreign Affairs Committee for its inquiry into HM Government's 'Global Britain' vision (April 2018)
'Tony Blair and the tragedy of liberal interventionism', Engelsberg Ideas (April 2024)
'What is the British Army for?', Engelsberg Ideas (March 2023)
'There and Back Again: The Fall and Rise of Britain's "East of Suez" Basing Strategy', War on the Rocks (February 2021)
'Biden time for the transatlantic relationship?', The UK in a Changing Europe (November 2020)
'NATO is about to become a political football in the UK election', The UK in a Changing Europe (December 2019)
'Déjà vu? “Global Britain” vs. the continental commitment', The National Interest (October 2018)
'Taking the long view of the Trump visit', The UK in a Changing Europe (July 2018)
'Ambition meets reality for Global Britain', War on the Rocks (November 2017)
Book reviews:
​Review of Rivals in arms: the rise of UK–France defence relations in the twenty-first century by Alice Pannier, International Affairs, 98:2 (2022)
Review of Comparative Grand Strategy: A Framework and Cases by Thierry Balzacq, Peter Dombrowski and Simon Reich (eds.), International Affairs, 96:1 (2020)
Review of The Evolution of Modern Grand Strategic Thought by Lukas Milevski, Journal of Strategic Studies, 41:7 (2018)
Review of American Grand Strategy in the Age of Trump by Hal Brands, RUSI Journal, 163:1 (2018)